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For people!

Honorary patrons of the event:
mag. Ksenija Klampfer, Minister of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Aleš Šabeder, Minister of Health 


APRIL 23, 2020




Program of the 1st International Conference of the Social Chamber of Slovenia


Visiting foreign and domestic lecturers and acknowledged experts


You are invited to register, participate and attend

the event

CONTACT and location

Information, answers to questions, links ...

We are organizing the first International Conference of the Social Chamber of Slovenia on Thursday, 23rd of April 2020 in Ljubljana, with the aim to become a traditional biennial event dedicated to update and discuss relevant professional topics in the field of social protection both in Slovenian and international professional environment.​


The leading purpose of our first international conference is to present challenges and opportunities, as well as contradictions and dilemmas in the field of planning, financing, implementation and evaluation of long-term care in the Slovenia.


We also wish to respond professionally and competently to the needs of professionals, and other employees in the field of social care and beyond, who in practice face long-term care issues and professionally support them in achieving a higher level of quality of long-term care.​​


The international context will be achieved by comparing the needs of the environment on the one hand and strategic expertise on the other, presented by invited internationally renowned long-term care professionals.


  • The Challenges of Placing Long-Term Care in the Social Environment​

  • Long-term care as an opportunity to respond to different social needs

  • Dilemmas and contradictions of the sustainability of the long-term care system

  • Comparison of the conceptual model of long-term care in Slovenia with comparable foreign long-term care system

  • Opportunity for interdisciplinary collaboration of professionals from different disciplines in the field of long-term care

  • Synergies of social work and long-term care


  1. Facing professionals and colleagues and others with the challenges of long-term care in the work environment

  2. Responding to the needs, motives and expectations of long-term care through various forms of professional support​

  3. Interdisciplinarity and complexity of long-term care services


Alfonso Lara Montero_plenarni predavatel

Mr. Alfonso Lara Montero, European Social Network, Brussels, Belgium

Mr. Alfonso Lara Montero oversees the Network’s management and strategic direction, leads the policy programme co-financed by the European Commission and the annual European Social Services Conference. He has over 10 years’ experience in public policy, has authored and co-authored several publications and is a regular contributor to academic journals, newspapers, and specialist social services magazines. Before joining ESN, Alfonso Lara Montero worked in project management in the private sector, consultancy and CSR. He holds an MA in modern languages from the University of Granada, an MA in European Governance from the College of Europe, an MSc in Public Policy from University College London and a Masters in Executive Management of International Associations at Solvay Brussels School for Economics and Management. Mr. Alfonso Lara Montero is the longest serving officer as he has been with ESN since 2010.

Monika Riedel_plenarna

dr. Monika Riedel, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria

Dr. Monika Riedel is Senior Researcher in the Health Economics and Health Policy research group at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna, Austria. She holds a PhD in economics from the University of Vienna. Her major research fields are health and long-term care economics and policy, comparative analysis of health and long-term care systems, as well as the health and care workforce. Her research work has involved her in projects of the European Commission, such as AHEAD (6th framework programme), ANCIEN (7th framework programme) and NEWJOBS (Horizon 2020), and she repeatedly served as expert on long-term care in the European Commission’s Mutual Learning Program. Her research has been, among others, published in Health Care Management Science, Social Policy & Administration and International Journal of Social Welfare. She is a founding member of the Health Economics and Health Policy group at the IHS as well as of the Austrian Health Economic Association (ATHEA).

Alenka Oven_plenarna predavateljica.png

dr. Alenka Oven, Institute for Long-Term Care, Slovenia

Dr. Alenka Oven is a director of the Institute for Long-Term Care. She has acquired her expertise as a member of the Society for Labor Law and Social Security, the Law Society of Ljubljana, the Slovenian Association of Palliative and Hospice Care. She is also a member of the European Social Security Council (EISS). She holds an International Certificate in the field of elderly care Caring for older person, A partnership model (Deakin University) and an international certificate in the field of telemedicine eHealth: Combining Psychology, Technology and Health (Twente University). Since 2016, she has been a lecturer at the Slovenian Third Age University, and since September 2018, she is also a senior lecturer at the University of Novo mesto, Faculty of Health Sciences, in the Master's Degree Program in Law (Integrated Health and Social Care-Health Law and social protection). At the first level of the study course Nursing is also the holder of the course Health and Social Law.


prof. dr. Vojko Strojnik, Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Prof. dr. Vojko Strojnik is employed at the Faculty of Sport at the University of Ljubljana, where he teaches at the undergraduate level the functioning of the neuromuscular system and exercises for strength, flexibility and sensory-motor training. At the master's degree he teaches exercise in motion sickness injuries, exercise in chronic non-communicable diseases and exercise for the elderly. At the doctoral level he leads the course Biological Contexts of Kinesiology. He is a visiting professor at the Faculty of Kinesiology at University of Zagreb. In addition to teaching, he runs a laboratory for kinesiology. The laboratory performs measurements of top athletes, especially in terms of strength. He advises and guides the fitness preparation of various top athletes and the exercise of persons with injuries and impairments of the locomotor apparatus, especially low back pain, injuries to the knee, ankles and shoulders, weakened elderly, stroke etc. He is the head of the expert group in the international project 24alife and is responsible for the field of sports. Major research areas include studying the effects of strength training in different groups of people, exercising the elderly, fatigue in the most intense movements, and the relationship between fitness training and movement technique. He has been the manager of 12 major projects and is the leader of the program team. He is the author of over 60 scientific articles and over 400 bibliographic units.



PIP-DO 2020*

8.00 – 9.00

Reception and registration of participants 



9.00 – 9.15

Mag. Nace Kovač, president of Social Chamber of Slovenia, Slovenia

Wellcome speech

9.15 – 10.45


9.15 – 10.00

Mr. Alfonso Lara Montero, European Social Network, Belgium

Plenary lecture

10.00 – 10.45

Dr. Monika Riedel, Institute for Advanced Studies, Austria

Plenary lecture


10.45 – 11.15

11.15 – 12.00

Dr. Alenka Oven, Institute for Long-term Care, Slovenia

Plenary lecture

12.00 – 12.45

Prof. dr. Vojko Strojnik, Faculty of Sport, Slovenia

Plenary lecture


12.45 – 13.45

14.00 – 14.45


Cultural program by CAF (Activity Center Fužine)

mag. Ksenija Klampfer, Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

Aleš Šabeder, Ministry of Health 

14.45 – 15.00



14.45 – 17.15

14.45 – 15.30

I. thematic trail: Professionals and other colleagues facing the challenges of long-term care in their work environment


15.30 – 15.45

15.45 – 16.30

II. thematic trail: Responding to the needs, motives and expectations of long-term care through various forms of professional support

16.30 – 17.15

III. thematic trail: Interdisciplinarity and complexity of long-term care services


17.15 – 17.30

Program Board and the Organizing Committee:

Program board: dr. Nikolaj Lipič, Iztok Mrak, Rok Zupanc, David Krivec, Viktorija Pečnikar Oblak

Organizing committee: Vilko Kolbl, mag., Špela Batis, Meri Rožac, Breda Božnik, Viktorija Pečnikar Oblak

* We reserve the right to change the program.

od 20.00 dalje



Active participation in an International Conference requires the submission of a full paper with abstract and keywords, which will be published in the bulletin of the International Conference. The content of the paper may cover professional or research topics closely related to long-term care.

Important dates for active participation (authors):


 3/6/2020         Application Deadline
3/27/2020        Submission of abstract
3/27/2020        Submission of full paper
4/23/2020        Start of conference

The abstract must contain the following components:

1. Title of the paper in Slovene and English

2. First and last name, professional or academic degree, title of the institution, e-mail address

3. A summary of between 150 and 300 words in Slovene and English

4. Keywords: 3 - 5 keywords in Slovene and English

5. Contents of the paper in the Slovene language in the range of 3000 to 5000 words with tables, pictures and literature

To submit the paper with abstract and keywords successfully, the authors will follow the instructions. The condition for submission of the paper is the registration of the author through the menu button "REGISTRATION". The text of the paper with summary and keywords is entered directly into the online form. The essays of each content section will be presented in individual thematic sections. All papers with abstracts and key words of the conference participants will be reviewed. The authors of the papers will be informed about the suitability of the paper for publication at the conference. Papers will be published in electronic form.



The deadline for applications is Wednesday, April 15, 2020. You can apply via the online form below. For more information, please contact: Social Chamber of Slovenia, Ukmarjeva ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana, contact person: Špela Batis, e-mail:, phone: +386 (0)1 292 73 17.

Due to the uninterrupted monitoring of the program of the international conference, we ask the deaf, hearing impaired and the deaf-blind to inform us of the need for an interpreter of Slovene sign language and to reserve seats in the first rows of the conference room. At the same time, we kindly ask all blind and partially sighted and other disabled people who need an escort from the entrance to the conference room to inform us of the possible need for an escort.


By entering the venue where the International Conference of the Social Chamber of Slovenia will take place, you agree to the defined conditions. Photographing and/or recording takes place in accordance with the applicable national law on personal data protection (PDPA) and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of data, and on repealing Directive 95/46 / EC. Photos and recordings of the event will be posted on the website and on the Chamber's Facebook profile. Photographs can also be used to produce a collection or for promotional purposes in various formats. Photos will relate to the event and not to individual participants.



Active participants (authors)                    

Other participants (attendees)                

Individual members of the Chamber        

Participants of collective members            


Seniors, students and the unemployed       

The registration fee includes the cost of organizing the event, materials, a certificate of attendance, refreshments during breaks and lunch. The invoice will be issued to the participants no later than 8 days after the event. 



Advantages of first sign-ups. Be among the first!

The first 10 participants at the 1st International Conference of the Social Chamber of Slovenia will attend the event at a special promotional price. Discount for individual members of the Chamber is 10%, for collective members 5%, with a discount for only one participant from the same organization. 

First registration discounts apply to conference attendees. First-time discounts cannot be used by seniors, students and the unemployed.


Group discount

Upon registration of 5 participants from the same organization, a registration fee for the 6th participant will be given (5 + 1 free). The free registration fee is considered to be the lower price of the expert consultation fee.


The benefits do not add up!

€ 85,00 + tax 

€ 105,00 + tax

€ 120,00 + tax

€ 135,00 + tax

  € 90,00 + tax



The 1st International Conference of the Social Chamber of Slovenia will be held in the Blue Hall of the Medical Chamber of Slovenia at Dunajska cesta 162 in Ljubljana. The Blue Hall is a modern conference room, designed as an amphitheater and has 260 seats. The daylight combined with modern technical equipment ensures well-being and a creative atmosphere among the participants.

Location of the Medical Chamber of Slovenia:

Ponudba za udeležence XXV. Dnevov Socialne zbornice Slovenije


Parking is possible in a parking garage Dunajski kristali. The parking garage is not owned by the Medical Chamber of Slovenia, therefore, it is payable.

In order to access Domus Medica, you drive to the end of garage where you can use lift to access the ground floor.

Driveway for cars is form Štukljeva cesta (parallel to northern bypass in a West direction, Tomačevo exit). Entrance to parking garage is at the beginning of the new premises (brownish-red buildings).

  • If you come from Primorska, use exit 3 on Ljubljana bypass (Ljubljana – Bežigrad). Cross Dunajska cesta in drive past Smelt towards Vojkova cesta (do not return to bypass!). At the traffic lights (on the right in front of you there will be Stožice stadium) turn left and left again and you are on Štukljeva cesta from which you turn right into the garage at the first brownish-red tower.

  • If you come from Štajerska, we recommend exit 2 (Ljubljana – Bežigrad). Drive into Tomačevo roundabout and follow the Stožice exit. Then drive straight on along Štukljeva cesta towards Dunajska cesta to the turning to garage.

In case you plan to use LPP bus, we recommend you use lines 6, 8, 11 or 26 and leave the bust at the Smelt stop. 

If you decide to be even more “eco” and come by bicycle, you will find the place for it in front of the entrance.


Social Chamber of Slovenia

Ukmarjeva ulica 2

1000 Ljubljana


Contact person:


Phone: + 386 (0)1 292 73 17


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